Based on my experience and what I have achieved, these would be my top tips for you and you new business:
1. Come up with an original idea that you are passionate about.
2. Research this market, find out if it is growing and what level of competition there is.
3. Put your thoughts down on paper, and try to define them as concisely as possible.
4. Get help and advice on refining the idea from places like business link, but I would also recommend getting a copy of the Barclays Business planning start-up pack from their website.
5. Define your company proposition (what are you selling, to whom, how will you position it, what are you USPs).
6. Know your competition (who does what we do, what do they sell on, what can we learn from them, are there other niches in this market).
7. Start networking and immersing yourself as much as possible in this industry.
8. Start Prospecting (based on your market segmentation) and develop a list of potential contacts via phonebooks, trade listings, or purchasing lists.
9. Qualify you prospects via websites, telemarketing, email.
10. Develop a script to use on each prospecting call, which details you process and also how to handle possible objections.
11. Don’t be afraid of calling people, after all someone can only say no.
12. Keep making sure you are committed and that this is what you really want moving forwards.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
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